WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Baseball & Rogue Nicotine: Do It in the Stands

Baseball & Rogue Nicotine: Do It in the Stands

Posted by Rogue Crew on Oct 26th 2022

Nicotine and Baseball

Some brief history about baseball and nicotine. In the mid 19th century, baseball was in its formative years, and chewing snuff was also wildly popular. Players of the game have a long history of chewing snuff due to it being wildly popular at the time and because they found baseball-specific uses for it. While on the dry and dusty field, players enjoyed how the products provided lubrication for their mouths, and they would spit into their gloves to keep the leather moist. Pitchers would also utilize chaw juice to execute the no longer permitted spitball pitch.

Eventually, the powers that be have taken steps to eliminate the practice of allowing players to chew snuff, and it is now banned in many stadiums across the country. However…

Go Rogue in the Stands

Fortunately for you, Rogue Nicotine products are tobacco-leaf free, so you should be able to enjoy this old baseball tradition without much hassle or rule-breaking.

Ways to Go Rogue at The Stadium

  • On the commute, by plane, rail or bus
  • Tailgating
  • Waiting in line for tickets
  • Grabbing a dog at the concessions
  • Catching that fly ball out of far left field
  • Adjusting your fantasy league
  • Watching post-game fireworks
  • The Current Rogue Roster


For a product that will last a while during the game, we’d recommend one of ourLozenges, maybe the Citrus flavor for a fresh, spring taste.


You could also enjoy some of ournicotine gum options. Fruit Flavor may be perfect for the baseball atmosphere.


For baseball season, we’d recommend going with our Berry flavor tablets to match with the warmer weather.


You could also bring a couple of our pouches with you to the game, and we think that either our Berry or Honey Lemon flavors for this environment.


All of our products are sugar-free, spit-free, and stain-free,so you can fully enjoy the ball game. Interested in learning more? Visit our education hub at https://www.roguenicotine.com/why-rogue/. Also, use our store locator to find a product near you.

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