WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

​The Remote Workers Guide to Public (Free) Wi-Fi

​The Remote Workers Guide to Public (Free) Wi-Fi

Posted by Rogue Crew on Feb 23rd 2022

Fast and secure Wi-Fi is a remote worker’s most valuable asset. Quality Wi-Fi helps the work-from-home force complete tasks, communicate with colleagues, and stay in touch with customers and clients. In contrast, poor Wi-Fi can lead to grainy video calls, slow downloads, and other general connection issues. 

Home isn’t the only place you can find a quality Wi-Fi connection. Remote employees can fight isolation and reignite their motivation by stepping outside their homes and working in a public space.

Let’s touch on some of the best places to get free Wi-Fi.

Coffee Shops

The “coffee shop effect” describes a context where a coffee shop’s background noise and lack of interruptions help you enter into a state of heightened focus. 

You can view the “coffee shop effect” as similar to being in a gym with other people in that the environment most likely has people working. 

Some coffee shops are more “grab and go” style, so you’re going to want to choose a location more conducive to work with amenities like comfortable seating and a nearby electrical outlet. 

Don’t forget to bring a jacket along in case your coffee shop’s air conditioning is on overdrive. 


Libraries are always going to be one of the best places to get free public Wi-Fi since they tend to offer varied seating options and private rooms. 

You might want to move your remote work over to a library if you’re immune to the “coffee shop effect” since libraries are naturally quieter. If you must hop on a video call, there’s a chance that you may be able to reserve one of the library’s private rooms so you can make noise without having to leave the environment. 

Work at Someone You Know’s House 

Chances are you have other friends involved in remote occupations. Working from a friend’s house or apartment might give you the excuse you need to catch up with that person finally. 

Head over to a friend’s place to work, and you’ll feel less isolated, breaks are more fun and sociable, and you can always make plans to spend time together after work. 

Hotel Lobbies/Lounge Areas  

This might seem like a strange setting to work, but many hotel lobbies offer cafés and other lounge seating areas where you can connect to Wi-Fi and attend to your daily tasks. You can make yourself more welcome in a hotel lobby environment when working by ordering a drink if there’s a nearby bartender. 

Like coffee shops, some hotel lobbies will be more conducive to work than others, so a little preparation will help you foster a successful remote workday. 

How to Use Public Wi-Fi Networks Safely 

When you log into public Wi-Fi networks, your data is naturally more vulnerable, but there aren’t ways to utilize a quality-free network at your favorite nearby coffee shop. 

Always use your discretion when accessing public Wi-FI. Below are some tips that can be used to boost your security under free public Wi-Fi networks:

  • Only using https sites with a lock icon
  • Using a virtual private network (VPN)
  • Not accessing personal or financial info 
  • Only logging into/sending info to encrypted sites
  • Temporarily logging into accounts
  • Diversifying your passwords 
  • Installing security software, add-ons, and plug-ins
  • Don’t automatically connect to nearby Wi-Fi

Go Rogue at Any of Our Recommended Remote Work Locations

You’ll always have the ability to go Rogue when working-from-home, away-from-home. Rogue nicotine products are designed for the here, and now so you can enjoy the symbiosis of nicotine and caffeine when working at your favorite coffee shop and take breaks without having to leave your computer or pack up your supplies. 

Are you new to Rogue? Introduce yourself with a Rogue Mix Pack to find the product that’s best suited to your work from home, away-from-home routine. 

Go Rogue when working at any of our best places to get free Wi-Fi.

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